速報APP / 商業 / Kinbow Connect : A Card Reader App

Kinbow Connect : A Card Reader App





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Kinbow Connect : A Card Reader App(圖1)-速報App

Are you looking for an ideal solution to keep a track of your business cards? Don’t want to lose another business opportunity? Kinbow Connect is here to rescue you. No matter, if you have a bunch of cards or you have a single card, the app scans every card almost immediately. It helps you in staying organized with your contact list thus you will be able to start the conversation right away!

It is a user-friendly business card organizer & exchange app to share the business cards thus perfect for entrepreneurs, marketing experts, and salespeople.

With Kinbow Connect you can –

• Exchange e-cards with people Nearby

Kinbow Connect : A Card Reader App(圖2)-速報App

• Create vacation cards to enhance networking

• Get unique identifiers for a group

• Import details from social media profiles like LinkedIn

Let’s look at how Kinbow Connect has become a pocket-friendly business card to contact app –

• Digitize your cards with 100% accuracy

Kinbow Connect : A Card Reader App(圖3)-速報App

• Add convenience to your business by growing your network

• Share business card through a professional profile

• Eliminates duplicates and gives you 24*7 accessibility to your contacts

• Saves the data securely on cloud so that you never miss a card even in future

• Increases sales opportunities and improves team’s productivity

Kinbow Connect : A Card Reader App(圖4)-速報App

• Get notifications every time a new contact joins

• Sync your phone book either automatically or manually

• Easy to find and store business cards

Kinbow Connect is a smart Business card manager, considered as a true replacement of traditional phone book. It offers one-size-fits-all business solutions to keep you organized and stay updated with your contact lists.

So now track details of your future business partners now and forever with a potential Business card scanner software. A card scanner for the phone is the easiest and invaluable app that helps you to grow your business network without any pains.

Kinbow Connect : A Card Reader App(圖5)-速報App

Download Kinbow Connect and leverage its services for your business growth.

Kinbow Connect : A Card Reader App(圖6)-速報App